segunda-feira, julho 04, 2016

bigcat instruments releases free Piano for Kontakt

bigcat instruments has released the free Surprise Piano for NI Kontakt.

bigcat instruments has taken five public domain and creative commons pianos and allowed Kontakt to choose which piano should play each note completely randomly. A single chord might contain sounds from classical grand to honky tonk upright to pop piano.
"Reading David Byrne's book about music I was inspired to be weirder. So I tried to create something odd. In this case your hit a key and one of five pianos will play. Oddly when you just hit one key at a time it sounds pretty bad, but often it seems folks play several notes at once and in some sort of sequence. This tends to average out the various pianos somehow and sometimes creates some other piano sound. It is lets be kind and say experimental and you might significantly hate it."


Tchackpoum releases free Tchackpoum Drummer for Kontakt 5

Tchackpoum has released Tchackpoum Drummer, free drum samples for Kontakt 5 Multi and instruments.

Ludwig Super Classic 1964 Drumset:

- Kontakt 5 Multi and instruments
- working with a edrum

- Kick 20"
- Snare Supra Phonic 14"x5"
- Tom 13" x2
- Floor Tom 16"
- HiHat Zildjian K-Custom Hybrid 13"
- Crash 1 Zildjian K-EFX 18"
- Crash 2 Zildjian Avedis Thin crash 70' 18"
- Ride/Crash Bosphorus Master Vintage 20"
- Trash Cymb Zildjian K dark crash (broken)14"+ badSplash 10"
- Reaper track template for multi output & Reaper Drum map


Emagic EVP73 v1.0

A legendary sound – a fascinating instrument: the Fender Rhodes electric piano. Its unique, warm sound has impacted on generations of musicians - from Herbie Hancock to Stevie Wonder and Radiohead


  • Fender Rhodes Stage Piano Mk II emulation.
  • 73 note polyphonic.
  • Uses Emagic's EVP88 core engine.
  • Native tone generation system (Not samples).
  • Decay & Release envelope controls.
  • Bell & Damper volume controls.
  • Tremolo - Rate, Intensity, & Stereophase.

INTERNAL : Our release does not ask for the re-authorization.
We have bypassed whole protection - No ASPI access, no temporary
license dropping to C:\EVP73.key (hidden). It should have better
compatibility for modern OS.


Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...