terça-feira, agosto 28, 2018

Multitrack recorder Multitrack Studio updates to v9.0

Bremmers Audio Design has updated Multitrack recorder Multitrack Studio Lite to v9.0.


- Content Panes

- VST3 support

- MIDI Effects

- MIDI articulations and Multi Instrument

- Cycle button

- Other

-- All MIDI Instruments now have an option to specify note names (these names appear in the drum editor).

-- Rewind/Fast Forward now try to move to 'nice' position if counter is showing bar:beat.

-- EQ spectrum display: 'Full Scale" box goes to lower value if 'dB/div' is set to 10.

-- Note Editor window: you can now type semitone offset in Note box (for example: if it's C5 and you type -2 it becomes Bb4).

-- Pianoroll/Score/Drum editors: a series of notes can be selected by clicking one, and then clicking another while pressing the Shift key.

-- MultitrackStudio Instruments synths: attack is now linear rather than exponential, in order to avoid the synths being noticably 'late'.

-- Level meters no longer have 'LED' segments.

-- The MultitrackStudio Remote iPad app has been updated. You need to reload the preset in the Remote Control window.

-- Fixed: "Revert to Version" menu didn't always list versions in chronological order.

-- Fixed: Running an audio track in practice mode no longer clears the track editor undo history.

-- Fixed (Windows touchscreen): automatic horizontal scrolling while resizing selected part on the right hand side didn't work reliably.

-- Fixed (Mac): some windows other than the main window would go full-screen if the main window was full screen.

-- Several other improvements and fixes.

Audio/MIDI multitrack recording software for Windows and Mac.

Download Multitrack Studio Lite for Windows here (32bit) or here (64bit).

You can try MultitrackStudio Lite for free. Its main limitation is that it can't handle more than 3 tracks.

Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...