quinta-feira, abril 25, 2024

ZL Equalizer


ZL Equalizer: 16-band minimum-phase dynamic digital equalizer.

ZL Equalizer is a minimum-phase equalizer plugin with the following key features:

Multiple Filter Settings: Supports 16 frequency bands, 8 filter types, 5 stereo modes, and 7 variable slopes.

High-Quality Sound: With 64-bit floating-point processing and de-cramping technique, outstanding performance is ensured in both low-end and high-end.

Adjustable Dynamics: Adjustable threshold, attack, release, and side-chain frequency, etc.

Carefully Designed Interface: Interactive spectrum graph, smart collision detection, and smooth animations.


If the file has a .dmg extension, it is for macOS (in VST3 & AU).

If the file has a .exe extension, it is for Windows (in VST3).

If the file has a .zip extension, it is for Linux (in VST3 & LV2). On Linux, you have to move the *.vst3 file manually to the correct folder, e.g., ~/.vst3.

Please note that all installers have not been notarized. You should decide whether to trust the installers from the provided link. Alternatively, you can build the plugin from the project source code.

On macOS, the plugin requires Metal support. For some unknown reason, the plugin is not compatible with macOS earlier than macOS 11. Besides that, you may refer to Safely open apps on your Mac if you are confused by the alert given by your OS.

On Windows, the plugin requires Direct2D support. The plugin is compatible with Windows 10 and later.

On Linux, the plugin DOES NOT HAVE hardware acceleration, which may lead to UI freezing. The plugin is compatible with Mainstream Linux distributions.

ZL Equalizer is licensed under GPLv3.




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