segunda-feira, agosto 15, 2016

SaschArt releases easyLimiter free audio limiter software

SaschArt has released easyLimiter, free VST audio limiter software for Windows.

easyLimiter for easy mastering. Output audio limiting, stereo, release and few type of limiting. Show maximum attenuation.

All what you need to clean disturbing sounds.

Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation of high peak that creates problems audition: rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.

Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:

- clear and smooth sound
- big volume with no unwanted sounds
- continuous sound and very close to the original line
- EXTREMELY low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters


- Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited.
- Attack attenuation envelope. This feature make continuous sound and very close to the original line.
- Release attenuation envelope. This feature improves continuous line of the sound.
- Stereo link combines attenuation with stereo balance.
- Left and right attenuation with memory storing.

Requirements: VST host and Windows


Boz Digital Labs - Width Knob v1.0.0 - [FREEWARE]

Boz Digital Labs - Width Knob v1.0.0 - [FREEWARE]
Width Knob allows you to quickly and easily adjust the stereo width of your bus or track.

It is a great and simple tool for automating power into your chorus, or anywhere else you might need to adjust the stereo width in an intuitive and fast manner.

Width Knob provides a simple way to create contrast in your mixes, keeping your mixes alive and interesting.



Acustica Audio - RED EQ v1.3.940.0 - [FREEWARE]

The Red Eq equalizer provides three fixed bands at 80Hz, 1.8kHz and 8kHz, the upper and lower bands.


Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...