quinta-feira, novembro 23, 2017

Room Piano

Room Piano is a VST/AU plugin instrument featuring the sound of a physically modeled piano. The sound is lofi and intimate, it can be smooth out (or not) using the multiple on board sound shaping tools. The plugin is based on a very small sound set and requires very few CPU to run. The piano sound can be enhanced by a sub layer which can also be played alone to create bass lines. A vinyl layer has been added for more grit. It can be turned off if it's not your thing.


  • Physical modeled piano sampled each 3 notes, 1 velocity, 37.8 megs in size

  • On board Attack and release controls

  • Vinyl and sub (sine waveform) sound layers

  • Full featured LFO with routing selectors for input and output

  • Amplitude range controls as well as PreGain to ensure that your sound is always clean (or dirty, depending on your needs)

  • Individual outputs for each sound layer

  • Lowpass and Highpass filter

Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...