quinta-feira, julho 21, 2016

2WAVES releases free 1.2 GB taster pack

2WAVES has released free Taster Pack, a collection of free samples taken from its sample pack catalog.

2WAVES presents the collection of free samples with more than 1 GB of content.

- Uni V Sol – Hip Hop Vocals
- BSN Posse 160 Bpm Sample Pack
- Developement House
- Tech House Assets
- Groove House
- Bass Music Collection
- The Ultimate Weapons of Dubstep


HY-Plugins releases HY-Mono free VST synth

HY-Plugins has released HY-Mono, a free monophonic synthesizer instrument based on the structure of the Oberheim SEM.

monophonic synthesizer

I mainly referred to structure of Oberheim SEM.

HYMONO” folder contains preset files.

Visit: hy-mono

Adam Monroe Music releases free Adam Monroe's Tremolo

Adam Monroe Music has released Adam Monroe's Tremolo, free 32/64 bit effect plugin for Windows VST and AU Mac.

Adam Monroe's Tremolo is a free vst and au effects plugin conceived as a companion piece to Adam Monroe's Mark 73 Electric Piano. There are many free tremolo effects plugins to chooose from, but I wanted to design my own, with both traditional amplitude tremolo and stereo panning. The idea was to implement both "vertical" and "horizontal" oscillators, and to be able to easily tweak these values via knobs.

I wanted to make a simplified, streamlined GUI, with direct access to the plugin's parameters. The user can adjust both the speed and depth of the plugin's tremolo, and the speed and depth of stereo panning. Both effects are routed to a mixer, so the user can adjust the wet/dry signal.

Sample rates can be easily adjusted. This has the added effect of either slowing down or speeding up the tremolo, depending on your chosen sample rate.

The values for depth and speed of tremolo and panning effect are quite large. With the depth values set at maximum, the plugin utilizes full-spectrum sine wave oscillation for tremolo/amplitude modulation and full stereo panning for the "panner."

This tremolo plugin is provided for free as a compliment to Adam Monroe's Mark 73. The decision was made to implement a separate plugin for two reasons: Firstly, to provide tremolo to Kontakt users, and secondly, to be provide functionality with other plugins.


459 free instant drum fill samples

459 free instant drum fill samples released by SampleRadar.

The easy way to add some rhythmic variation

Beats are the backbone of your tracks, driving the music and maintaining the pace, but there's no joy in endless repetition. This is where drum fills come in, adding variation and frequently indicating to the listener that a musical change is on the way.

Of course, you could program your own drum fills, but if you want a selection of pre-rolled, err, rolls and fills, read on.

All the samples are supplied as WAV files so can be imported directly into your DAW or sampler of choice. Because they're royalty-free, you're welcome to use the samples in your music in any way you like - all we ask is that you don't re-distribute them.


Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...