Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta free eq. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta free eq. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, junho 18, 2024

Shape it


Shape It, the new equalizer in Soundly has quickly become so popular that users have asked for a standalone plugin for all editing software. And now, it's finally available!

Shape it's cuts and boosts are lightning-fast, making it a perfect fit for the fast-paced world of sound design. This parametric EQ has ten bands and includes various presets, including musical ones, allowing for quick adjustments or complete sound transformation.

Developed to meet professional standards, Shape it has been our in-house tool since its creation. We are thrilled to now share this powerful EQ with the broader audio community for the incredible price of FREE.

quarta-feira, maio 08, 2019

lkjb releases TinyQ to v1.5 free (open beta)

lkjb has released TinyQ version 1.5 free open beta, and moved from the JUCE framework to IPlug-Youlean.
Version 1.5 now uses IPlug-Youlean and thus don’t have the JUCE Personal License splash screen or the usage analytics any more. Please be aware of the following knwon issues:

- VST3 seems to not show the user interface after a resize on macOS Mojave.

- While the VST2 version 1.5 is compatible with the previous (JUCE) version of the plugin the VST3 and AU plugin isn’t. While the VST3 plugin simply isn’t compatible, the AU plugin will load blank projects that used JUCE versions of the plugin. For that reason, use the JUCE version when working with old projects.

TinyQ is – as the name suggests – a rather tiny EQ. There are lots of good large EQs around but nothing versatile if simply a few adjustments are needed.

terça-feira, dezembro 04, 2018

Acustica Audio RED EQ All Versions BUNDLE WiN OSX FREE

The Red EQ equalizer provides three fixed bands at 80Hz, 1.8kHz and 8kHz, the upper and lower bands being shelving while the middle has a traditional bell response.

There's an ample 16dB of cut and boost, and though the EQ may look limited compared to a parametric, it actually sounds nicely musical and the frequencies have been chosen with care. A five-section led level meter and an output gain knob allow you to control the overall output level from the unit up to a maximum of +6dB.

A red warning lamp lights if the signal approaches clipping, due to excessive use of boost on already hot signals. It can be used to make adjustments in the most needed areas of the audio spectrum without the sound losing its focus.

quinta-feira, março 15, 2018

Overloud releases EQ550 effect plugin free for limited time

Overloud releases EQ550 effect plugin free for limited time

Until March 18th, Overloud is giving away 1,000 licenses for free each day to registered Overloud users (registration is free).

The EQ550 extends the features of the original hardware with a band cue that allows you to hear the part of the frequency spectrum that is being affected by that band, a continuous frequency selection to select all the intermediate frequencies, and an additional mid band.

It has a Proportional-Q design, meaning that the bandwidth of the filters becomes narrow when the gain of the filter increases. For low gain settings the EQ delivers a smoother tone: its character becomes more and more aggressive when the bands gain band is raised. This design makes the EQ550 unique.


quinta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2018

Kilohearts has released 3-Band EQ, a free Snapin plugin for Windows and Mac.

Kilohearts 3-Band EQ

The simple but effective EQ has low, mid and high bands, and spectrum split lines to set thresholds for low and high frequency ranges. If you need a more advanced equalizer, make sure to check out Kilohearts Carve EQ and Slice EQ as well.

Kilohearts’ filters are always awesome, and stacking them together to create a quick 3-band EQ just made them even easier to use.

EQ 3-band will get you surprisingly far when it comes to shaping your sound, or your entire song. By draging the split frequencies around it feels like much more than a standard 3-band equalizer.

The 3-Band EQ is a free download (VST/AU/AAX) and you can also use it as part of Snap Heap and Multipass Snapin hosts.

More information: Kilohearts

segunda-feira, agosto 15, 2016

Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...