quarta-feira, julho 02, 2014

Academia Latina distingue Carlos do Carmo com Grammy pela sua obra

É a primeira vez que um português recebe a distinção.

Carlos do Carmo, um dos nomes históricos do fado, vai receber em Novembro um Grammy pela sua obra. A decisão foi tomada por unanimidade pelo Conselho Directivo da Academia Latina (Latin Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) e foi comunicada directamente ao cantor na tarde de segunda-feira, 30 de Junho, e anunciada nesta terça-feira oficialmente à imprensa. É a primeira vez que um português recebe tal distinção.
No comunicado da Academia, que refere Carlos do Carmo como “um dos maiores fadistas do seu tempo” — realçando a influência da mãe, Lucília do Carmo, na sua carreira —, diz-se que as afinidades pessoais do cantor com a canção francesa e a bossa nova criaram nele “um inequívoco e definitivo estilo que o distingue como uma das mais icónicas vozes da música portuguesa”. A Academia refere ainda o papel-chave de Carlos do Carmo na bem-sucedida candidatura do Fado a Património da Humanidade.
Esta notícia é conhecida num momento em que ainda se celebram os 50 anos de carreira do cantor, comemorados com reedições históricas, concertos, um disco de parceria com fadistas das novas gerações (Fado É Amor) e uma exposição na Cordoaria Nacional.
O Grammy Lifetime Achivement Award, anunciou hoje a agência do cantor, será entregue a Carlos do Carmo no MGM de Las Vegas, EUA, no dia 19 de Novembro, mês em que, segundo a mesma fonte, se estreará um documentário sobre a sua vida.

Fonte: Publico

quinta-feira, junho 26, 2014

Positive Grid announces BIAS Desktop guitar-amp designer and modeler plug-in

Positive Grid has introduced BIAS Desktop, a groundbreaking guitar-amp designer and modeler plug-in for Windows and Mac.
BIAS Desktop

Available in VST, Audio Units, RTAS and AAX formats, BIAS Desktop features the most realistic modeler engine, Amp Matching (a pioneering first for DAW plug-ins), BIAS Expansion Packs and the ToneCloud preset-sharing platform. Amp Matching analyzes any live or recorded guitar tone and exactly recreates it within BIAS Desktop.

BIAS Desktop features:

BIAS — BIAS is an amp designer, modeler and processor that includes 36 of the most sought-after vintage and modern amps in rock ‘n’ roll history as a starting point for user customization. Users can modify these amps and virtually build their custom amps by swapping out the tubes, preamp, transformer, tone stacks, cab and mic to create their own distinctive signature sound. Users can also upload their amp creations to ToneCloud, BIAS’ own amp-sharing platform, to share their custom presets with other users.
Amp Matching — Amp Matching allows musicians to instantly replicate any real amp tone in the world, right in their Mac or PC. Simply input signal from a miked amp or pre-recorded guitar track, and BIAS Desktop will invisibly insert additional processing into the signal path to make your current amp precisely match the tone of the inputted guitar signal. No other plug-in can do this. Once the tone is captured and replicated, the user can save it as a custom preset and share it with other musicians on Positive Grid’s proprietary social network, ToneCloud.
Standard, Glassy, Crunch, and Insane — In addition to the industry-acclaimed BIAS Standard control modules, BIAS Desktop includes three new dedicated preamp and power amp modules optimized for various playing styles and tone: Glassy, Crunch, and Insane. Inside these new BIAS Expansion Pack modules, the controls for each preamp, power amp, cabinet and EQ module are tailored specifically to these three fresh styles, providing users with even more precise amp customization.
ToneCloud — ToneCloud is a proprietary social-networking platform that allows musicians to create, share and download over 10,000 custom BIAS amps, including those created and uploaded by signature recording artists. With BIAS Desktop, guitarists can share every possible amp tone, including those created using the new BIAS Expansion Packs and Matched Amps.

BIAS Desktop is schedule for release in Q3 2014. Positive Grid currently invites experienced and talented individuals to join them in shaping this project and give early feedback prior to the product’s release.

segunda-feira, junho 23, 2014

Mastering online and FREE

                                         Master Your Songs Online For Free @ LANDR

MixGenius has launched LANDR, an online mastering platform which can be used for free as long as you download your music in 192 kbps MP3 format.Drag-and-drop your mix-down to get an instant mastered preview which you can download in minutes. Tweak a few controls to refine your sound, and download!
Although mastering your music to 192 kbps MP3 files is a ridiculous idea in most cases, it’s actually the exact format you’d need for use on SoundCloud and similar streaming services. So, let’s take a look at LANDR and see what this platform offers for the price of free.
Mastering and free are two words which can hardly fit into the same sentence. For more than one good reason, too. Mastering is an advanced skill and a fine art at the same time, taking years and years of experience and hard work to become good at. It also requires a good listening room, perfectly treated to minimize the non-linearities caused by phasing and such.
So where does an automatic service like LANDR fit into the elite world of mastering? Can a website which takes your non-mastered track and returns the mastered version of it within minutes really do any good? I gave it a try and it did beat my expectations, although they were pretty low to begin with.
Just a little disclaimer. I’m well aware that an algorithm can never match the work of a real mastering expert. Every song is different, and there’s more to mastering than just tweaking parameters based on calculations. BUT – before I uploaded the test file, I though that I’d be perfectly happy with this if the program made the track loud enough to be used on SoundCloud and if it didn’t mess it up (made it sound worse than the mix). After all, what more can you expect from a free mastering service which runs on auto-pilot?
So, I’ve uploaded a mix of one of my recent tracks to LANDR and it basically took more time to upload the WAV file than to wait for the results. After the file was processed (I think I waited 5 minutes for this at most), I signed up for a free user account and downloaded the free master preview. This preview file is the same thing as what you’d get as a paid member, except that it’s downgraded to low bitrate MP3 format. Paid members can download full quality MP3 files and WAVs too.
The resulting master wasn’t breathtaking, it had several weak points too. But it wasn’t completely bad either. The loudness was good (at the cost of slight over-compression), the kick drum was more prominent, the percussion sounded better. Overall, the sound was a bit over-hyped and some parts of the track which were meant to be quieter were now as loud as everything else. The mid frequencies were skewed.
Bottom line, it matched my expectations and even performed a bit better than that. I wasn’t really expecting too much from it, though. The resulting master was acceptable for use on SoundCloud, or for playing a brand new track out live before paying for real mastering.

Give this one a try and let me know what you think. How does LANDR work on your music?
Some good points so far from the discussion in the comments section:
Sharing your music before releasing it official isn’t safe. (good point by Irion Da Ronin)
Compared to real mastering, the results are sub-par. (reported by Steven Walsh)
If you prefer doing things your way, take a look at our collection of free mastering plugins.

domingo, junho 22, 2014

Ashampoo Music Studio v5.0.1.10 Multilingual

Ashampoo Music Studio v5.0.1.10 Multilingual WIN: x86/x64 | RAR SIZE: 44.5 MB | EXTRACTED SIZE: 44.5 MB
Ashampoo Music Studio is your all-in-one solution to create, edit, design and produce your music. It takes only a few clicks to achieve great results. Music Studio features a highly task-oriented user interface without distractions. A fourth generation product, our experienced developers made sure Music Studio is both robust and reliable.

New in Music Studio 5

Music Studio rebooted… Better looks, faster performance, new features – it simply is our best Music Studio yet!

User Interface
We have completely redesigned the product and removed any clutter to provide maximum clarity and to help you focus on the task at hand.

More Speed
Music Studio 4 feels snappier than ever. On average, it takes less than three seconds to launch the product and start working and audio conversion now features multi-core support for lightning fast results.

Always wanted to get that beautiful music from your favorite videos on your PC? With Music Studio 5, you can. Video-2-Music makes audio extraction a simple select-and-click process – it couldn’t be easier.

Mix Tape
Only in Music Studio - add new variety to your music collection and combine your favorite songs seamlessly with full crossfading support.

Operating System:
Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8
home page:

segunda-feira, junho 09, 2014

muso v2.0.17.1

Muso is a Windows software application, which acts as both a centralised information repository for your music collection, and an intuitive graphical user interface to allow you to browse your albums, tag them, filter them, and sort them in various flexible ways. Muso provides an alternative front end to your music player and allows you to experience a more meaningful interaction with your music collection.

Home page:

Nuclear Coffee My Music Collection v1.0.1.26 Multilingual

My Music Collection is the most comprehensive music catalog software designed for organizing and managing music collections of any kind, including CD discs, MP3 files or vinyl records. This music organizer allows you to create an ordered CD database and view its contents, even if the disk is lying on a shelf or is being borrowed by a friend of yours. Now you can forget about creating music database on a paper, in Excel or text files.

Nuclear Coffee My Music Collection v1.0.1.26 Multilingual
Simply insert a disc, scan barcode or type the title and My Music Collection will fetch all album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release year, country, track titles and cover image, etc.

Furthermore, this music organizer does not only allow you to create comprehensive music collection with a great amount of options, but it is also a great loan manager allowing you to keep track of albums borrowed to your friends.

Familiar and intuitive interface allows you to easily and quickly search and browse your music collection. You can sort albums by artist, release year or even by media type. Checking statistics is also easy - My Music Collection allows you to view statistics in a table view or use a variety of diagrams. With music database software you can export your list into almost all popular file formats, including HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML.

Home page:

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