terça-feira, janeiro 25, 2022

Yamaha Portable Keyboard PSR-E473/PSR-EW425


Uma evolução no som e na performance

Com um teclado de 76 teclas com sensibilidade e uma funcionalidade que se baseia, mas ao mesmo tempo desenvolve o legado da famosa série PSR de teclados portáteis, o PSR-EW425 oferece a potência e o desempenho que permitem levar a música mais longe.
Como um profissional!
O PSR-EW425 oferece a mesma qualidade de som profissional encontrada nos modelos topo de gama. Carregado com mais efeitos e uma vasta gama de estilos - desde os últimos êxitos a estilos de todo o mundo.

Expressão acima de tudo

A Yamaha reformulou o painel de controlo e o LCD, eliminou gradualmente o teclado numérico e acrescentou botões que permitem o acesso direto às Categorias dos sons.

O painel de controlo melhorado torna rápido e fácil o acesso a Sons, Estilos e Funções, para que o objetivo passe a ser a criatividade.

Com botões dedicados, Quick Sampling, e a funcionalidade inovadora Motion Effect, é possível ser expressivo de forma intuitiva, utilizando os sons de acordo com o desejado.

Ligar e partilhar

Uma variedade de opções de conectividade que garantem todo o apoio necessário para praticar, tocar, e atuar ao vivo. É possível ligar um microfone e cantar ao mesmo tempo que se toca com o teclado, e depois usar a aplicação Rec'n'Share para partilhar o resultado com o mundo, sendo também possível ligar a sistemas PA para atuar em palco.

sexta-feira, janeiro 21, 2022

Casiotone CT-S1000V with Vocal Synthesis

Casio made a name for itself providing lots of bang-for-your-buck with its musical instruments, as evidenced by my review of the excellent $200 CT-S1 last year. Now the company is launching the CT-S1000V, which offers all the features that made the CT-S1 great, but adds a ton of creative tools for professional musicians and amateurs alike. Chief among these is an innovative vocal synthesizer, which allows you to type any text using your smartphone and then be able to ‘play’ the voices with your keyboard.

In other words, it makes it ridiculously easy for you to sound like Daft Punk.

Traditionally, getting that kind of effect requires an expensive vocoder or hooking up your system to a PC to run through software. It’s not the type of thing you see built right into a keyboard—especially since you don’t even need to even use your voice. It’s even rarer at a price of $450.
The CT-S1000V’s vocal synthesizer features 22 types of voices, “including talkboxes, processed choirs, robot voices, vocoders, and whispered voices,” and these can all be customized with a range of parameters including gender, age, vibrato. You can play phrases according to specific rhythms, or it can ‘say’ syllables as you hit different notes. The wealth of possibilities is frankly pretty remarkable for something at this price point.
Vocal synthesis aside, the device also features a huge variety of sounds and rhythms including the same excellent tones built into the CT-S1. That instrument ‘only’ had 61 tones, while this one has 800 (and luckily, it also includes a screen to actually sort through them). You also get three assignable knobs, various DSP effects, hundreds of rhythms, various accompaniment options, and Bluetooth connectivity (via an included adapter). You can also sample your own sounds using the included 1/8-inch stereo input or Bluetooth.
Casio’s CT-S1 already had better built-in sounds than a keyboard its price had any right to, and in the short time since its release, it’s already become a bit of a favorite for musicians looking for a lightweight, affordable keyboard with high quality sounds built-in. But for some people, it suffered from its barebones approach focused just on keyboard instruments.
The CT-S1000V takes things a step further, and though Casio is still aiming for accessibility here, I can also see it being more useful as a tool for professionals who might want a second keyboard to quickly make original music for their audio and video projects. While the built-in voices aren’t exactly going to convince anyone they’re human, they open up numerous creative opportunities for stylized music. And if you don’t need the built-in vocal effects, Casio’s new CT-S500 offers everything else for about $380. Both instruments can be powered by six-AA batteries and weigh just 10 pounds, although you can plug them into a power brick too.

I’ll be getting my hands on the CT-S1000V soon, so stay tuned to TNW for more.

sexta-feira, janeiro 14, 2022

Sound Magic releases Sienna Bass free rompler instrument for Windows

Sound Magic has announced the release of a virtual instrument by Redjoy Reza, featuring the sounds of a sampled acoustic bass.
Created with Maize Sampler, the Sienna Bass plugin includes a global tune control, ADSR envelope, and volume knob.
Redjoy Reza recorded his acoustic bass in his studio and hope to share its sound with all the musicians. This is why this plugin is a free plugin.
Sienna Bass is very small in size, around 7MB, but its sound keeps a high standard.
Sienna Bass is available as a free download in 32- and 64-bit VST plugin formats for Windows.


The plugin is provided as a 32Bit & 64 Bit VST plugin under Windows System (No Mac Version yet)

Just copy and paste the dll file and the whole folder into your VST plugin folder

There is a password to extract the file.The password will be a capital letter. It will be the the first letter for the product on the left most shown below. For example, if you see the product on the left most is Neo Piano, then the password will be “N” in this case. Password is C.


FunkBass is a free sample-based virtual instrument plugin for DAWs and other plugin host software running on Windows and macOS.
FunkBass was designed as a fast & light but solid tool to create simple bass lines in musical genres such as Pop, EDM, Funk Soul, RnB, and more. If you are looking for a virtual bass with tons of techniques, articulations, nuances, and effects, FunkBass is not for you – there are already dozens of such commercial plugins on the market. Our plugin is for those who prefer a simplified approach to “real” virtual bass and at the same time are aware that a virtual bass will never sound like a physical one.
Inside you will find 8 bass presets, a decent set of playing techniques and effects: finger, slap, pick, chorus, fretless, fuzz, low, and sub.
All of these patches can be selected from the top menu, also you have access to a basic filter with high/low cut, attack & release envelope, as well as gain and pan. There’s also included an LFO modulation section with LFO speed & depth knobs and wave type, source, and destination selectors.
FunkBass is available as a VST/VST3 plugin for Windows and VST/VST3/AU plugin for macOS (El Capitan to Mojave, NOT compatible with Catalina and up).


115 MB extracted size / 68 MB download size

8 bass presets

finger, slap, pick, chorus, fretless, fuzz, low & sub

attack/release envelope

filter section with cutoff

modulation section

VST/VST3 for Windows

VST/VST3 & AU for macOS (El Capitan to Mojave only)


FunkBass works within DAWs or other plugin hosts loaded on Windows 8.1/10 and macOS (El Capitan to Mojave, NOT compatible with Catalina and up). You will need 115 MB of hard drive space.
The download size is 68 MB (compressed ZIP file, you will need to extract the files).



For the VST 64-bit version – place the extracted folder in C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins

For the VST3 64-bit version – place the extracted folder in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3


For the VST version – place the extracted .vst folder to the VST folder in your audio plugins folder.

For the VST3 version – place the extracted .vst3 folder to the VST3 folder in your audio plugins folder.

For the AU version – place the extracted .component folder to the Components folder in your audio plugins folder.

quarta-feira, janeiro 12, 2022



Aqui fica mais uma libraria de Piano Yamaha, para Kontakt, muito leve e com muita qualidade. Assinatura Musicando 2022.

Um Bom Ano para todos.

Aceitam-se donativos!!!!!

Aqui fica uma amostra.

Zebralette: easy spectral synth

  Zebralette: easy spectral synth Zebralette is our version of a Trojan horse. A free synthesizer and an introduction to Zebra2's fantas...