segunda-feira, fevereiro 26, 2018

Xenakios releases PaulXStretch v1.0.2 free plugin for extreme time stretching

Xenakios has released PaulXStretch v1.0.2, free plugin VST2/AU for extreme time stretching and other spectral processing of audio.

There may be problems when doing offline rendering/export in Cubase. A workaround to get the plugin output into a final mix is to record the output of the plugin in real time by some means into an audio track and bypassing/removing the plugin before doing offline exports.

Change history :

02-23-2018 1.0.2

- Added stretch processing bypass parameter (to play the original sound looped like it is passed into the stretcher)

- Show approximate stretched output duration in info label (only valid if the stretch amount is not automated in the host)

- Waveform selection can be moved by dragging the selection top area

- Smoothed playback with fades when changing waveform selection (doesn’t work ideally, fixing later…)

- Fixes for the waveform graphics disappearing unexpectedly (this probably still isn’t entirely fixed, though)

PaulXStretch – VST2/AU Plugin for extreme time stretching and other spectral processing of audio.

This plugin is based on the PaulStretch algorithm/standalone app. (Paul’s Extreme Time Stretch.)

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