domingo, novembro 04, 2018

Togu Audio Line TAL-Dub x64 x86 VST AU WiN MAC [FREE]

TAL-Dub is a vintage style delay effect. It can be used for a wide range of delay effects from clean to extreme distorted, resonating never ending delays :-)

12dB resonance filter

Low cut filter

Maximal 4 Seconds delay time

Limiter with distortion for rising feedbacks or loud inputs

Delay time and feedback for each channel (linkable)

Input signal swap (L/R swap)

Filter feedback and filter fx mode (filter in feedback path or as post fx)

Filter mode for input (input signal will be filtered too)

Easy to use midi learn

home page:

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Togu Audio Line TAL-Filter v2.2.1 x64 x86 VST AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

TAL-Filter is one of our older filter plug-ins. People use it because of it's analog sounding filters and the unique envelope follower. 

home page:

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