Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta 7-band harmonic (overtone) graphic equalizer. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta 7-band harmonic (overtone) graphic equalizer. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, março 11, 2019

Voxengo updates free Overtone GEQ equalizer with AAX-64 support

Voxengo has announced an update to its Overtone GEQ 7-band harmonic (overtone) graphic equalizer plugin for Windows and Mac.

Changes in Overtone GEQ v1.1.2:

- Added ProTools 12+ AAX-64 support.

- Implemented color scheme editor with load and save functions.

- Redesigned the infrastructure controls.

- Added more visual scales.

- Made the user interface scale switchable without host reload.

- Reduced plugin file size considerably for faster loading.

- Added Retina support on macOS, and automatic high-resolution UI size adjustment on Windows.

- 40% lower CPU usage on AVX2-capable processors (in 64-bit mode).

Overtone GEQ supports up to 8 input/output channels, offering extensive internal channel routing capabilities, and support for mid/side channel processing.

Overtone GEQ is available as a free download from Voxengo and distributor Plugin Boutique. It supports VST/VST3, AU and AAX plugin formats.

Visit: overtonegeq

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