Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta guitar amp simulator free. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta guitar amp simulator free. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, agosto 30, 2016

Voxengo releases v2.3 Boogex free guitar amplifier

Voxengo has released Boogex version 2.3, a free guitar amplifier and cabinet simulation plugin for Windows and Mac.

Version 2.3 adds the gate module, the bypass switch and the new “Type 2” amplifier with a softer valve-modeled sound.
Boogex is a guitar amplifier AAX, AU, and VST plugin with a variety of sound shaping features for professional music production applications. With Boogex it is possible to get a heavy distorted sound as well as slight “jazzy” saturation sound. Boogex is also able to apply any speaker cabinet impulse response (selection of built-in impulses is available). The processing latency is close to zero making it possible to use Boogex for real-time guitar processing. Boogex also includes reverberation module derived from Voxengo OldSkoolVerb reverb.

quinta-feira, novembro 12, 2015

Mercuriall Audio Software releases Tube Amp Ultra 530 plugin

Mercuriall Audio Software has announced the release of Tube Amp Ultra 530, a plugin based on the ENGL E530 all-tube preamplifier.
Mercuriall Tube Amp 530

No waveshapers, and EQ. We use only clean solution of nonlinear differential equations for the most realistic simulation.

Tube Amp Ultra 530 (U530) is full circuit simulation of E530 preamp. Furthermore, the U530 has additional features. Simulation of three 12ax7 dual triode models. From old RCA triode to fresh RSD. Allowed processing samplerates at 44.1 48 88.2 96 Khz. Two computing engines make same things but in different way. Fast computing engine based on usage Artificial Neural Networks to approximate nonlinearity of solution nonlinear differential equations. Precision computing engine – for just-in-time solution of nonlinear differential equation at circuit simulation.

Preamplifier section is modeled so accurately that it is impossible to distinguish the sound of U530 and E530.

Tube Amp Ultra 530 features:

  1. Complete modeling of real circuit design.
  2. Solves the equations in real-time using a neural network.
  3. Uses accurate mathematical models of tubes (including vintage tube).
  4. The power amplifier operates with the load cabinet.
  5. Smooth positioning of the microphone cabinet in two axes.

Tube Amp Ultra 530 for Windows and Mac (VST/AU) is available for $59.99 USD. A free version with limited features is available for download.

More information: Mercuriall Audio Software / Tube Amp Ultra 530

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