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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta guitar chord software online. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, abril 03, 2013

Fachords - Visual guitar scales and arpeggios suggester

Fachords is a visual guitar scales and arpeggios suggester. It is possible to select the root tonality and the chords you want to practice on, and Fachords will suggest you the correct scales and arpeggios, with dynamic fingering and sounds (only for HTML5 browsers). Every single grade of the musical scale is displayed with its color, so you can develop visual memory of the intervals. There are a lot of different scales and arpeggios, such as diminished scales, seventh arpeggios, modal scales, gipsy jazz sequences, and we are planning to add more and more stay tuned!

Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...