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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta guitar ebook. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, maio 17, 2016

Lick Library - Guthrie's Technique Modules : Series One & Two

Lick Library - Guthrie's Technique Modules : Series One & Two

English | MKV | 70 MB

Series One : Alternate Picking, Legato, Tapping, Sweep Picking
Series Two : Sliding Tips, Microtonal Bending, String Bending Tips, Breaking Out Of Scale Boxes,
Funky Rhythm Playing.


Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...