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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta meter plugin free. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2019

Voxengo Correlometer: Free analog-style stereo multi-band correlation meter

Voxengo has announced the release of Correlometer, a free audio effect plugin that is based on the correlation meter found in the PHA-979 phase-alignment plugin.
Voxengo Correlometer

The multi-band correlation meter allows you to check for phase issues with up to 64 individual spectral bands.

Multi-band correlation meter is an advanced way to check for presence of out-of-phase elements in the mix.

Broadband correlation metering reports overall phase issues and may misrepresent problems present in select spectral bands, while multi-band correlation meter easily highlights problems present in mid to high frequencies that are not easily heard by ear, but may still reduce clarity of the mix.

Another application of multi-band correlation metering is phase- and time-aligning of channels and tracks, especially bass and bass-drum pairs, guitar mic and D.I. source pairs, two-microphone stereo recordings, etc.

Correlometer features:

  • 4 to 64 band correlation meter.
  • Adjustable band quality factor.
  • Adjustable averaging time.
  • Side-chain input.
  • Resizable user interface.
  • All sample rates support.
  • Zero processing latency.
  • User interface color schemes.
  • Retina and HighDPI support.

Correlometer is available as a free download for Windows and Mac in VST, AU and AAX plugin formats.

More information: Voxengo

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