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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta midi guitar software. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, julho 20, 2015

MiGiC for Windows, Beta 4 (VST)

FAQ and install notes:

There are tutorials that covers how to setup and configure MiGiC available here!
The Windows version of MiGiC is available as VSTs. Your guitar is converted to midi according to the following steps.

Download and install MiGiC_VST_Beta4.exe

Open your DAW and add MiGiC to the audio track which you have connected your guitar to.

Create a software instrument track and use the midi output pin of the audio track you are running MiGiC (and have connected you guitar) to. (Note that the this step is different from the Mac version!).

Adjust your input signal in the ”Audio” panel so that when you play the input meter on the right side of GUI lights up to approximately 50-80%.(If it doesn't light up at all make sure that you have monitor enabled on the track in your DAW and that you have enough input gain to the track.)

Enjoy playing any instrument in the world with your guitar!
Whats in it for me?

MiGiC is still in its first Beta stages. The purpose of this release is to help me find bugs and add new features before the final release. By downloading this free beta you are agreeing to inform me of bugs and suggest new features to the software. Use to do this.
Whats in it for you?

By emailing me issues you will be automatically given a serial key to the full release of the software and all future updates upon final release. Pretty sweet huh? Get hunting, and provide the information to

terça-feira, abril 28, 2015

MIDI Guitar 2

Major tracking improvements

It has been almost 2 years now – of hard work on version 2 (making it 7 years in total). And oh dear, it has been a long and windy road. At times we even considered a full stop and spend our time solving less daunting problems instead. Thankfully its here now – and where are we?

The manifesto was meant to set the overall direction, but it has made an impact, and each point above corresponds to tracking improvements you will find in MIDI Guitar 2, albeit less bold:

It is much more sensitive than version 1, and even in the fastest legato runs it is unlikely to ever miss a note.
There are no longer any tracking setup options. It just works.
The velocity response is much greatly improved and it does indeed seem to translate into an improved feel.
Tracking is more robust across various kind of guitars and playing styles. Indeed the same technology will be soon powering software for other instruments (bass and violin are first in line).
Latency was reduced, especially for the monophonic setting and generally on hollow body and half-acoustic guitars.

All that said, I certainly don’t want to claim everything is solved by now or that MIDI Guitar 2 is perfect, but I hope you too will experience that it has come a long way.

There are currently a few caveats to the above:

First, the high sensitivity means that it picks up everything. It might be a problem for some players, especially when driving not-so-velocity-sensitive synths. We found that sloppy guitar players usually like the higher sensitivity as notes will be picked up even with sloppy articulations, but they will have to be careful to not trigger a wrong note. We will make some adjustments in the next BETAs based upon user feedback so please let us know how you feel.
Related to this, the monophonic tracking is faster than ever, but it might be a little too wild at the moment, and we expect it to have an update for that within a couple of weeks.
Finally, there is actually one setup option. It’s a noise gate but it is easy to deal with as it only has effect when you are not playing. It is the only means you have to interact with the tracking system. One thing to keep in mind is that for fast legato runs you might need to turn down this noise gate (to pick up very soft notes).

Please remember this is a BETA release and a tech preview. As users get hands on and we receive feedback it is inevitable that we need to adjust some things and fix some bugs. Thus, in the coming weeks we will bring a series of MG2 updates based upon feedback from all of you. The missing plugins will be released and hopefully we will be out of BETA within weeks. Soon after, bass and violin players will get a long awaited treatment.

Please let us know about your experience. In the times of updates it can be difficult for us to answer every email (and still have time to work on the updates) but we will do our best, and any feedback is much appreciated.

New features

MIDI Guitar 2 is not only about tracking improvements. We’ve sneaked in a many new features as well.

Hoover over the hotspots in the image to get descriptions of new features.

The near Future

MIDI Guitar 2 is a major milestone for us, but its also just another step in our overall pursuit to keep pushing the audio recognition technology that MIDI Guitar builds upon.

In the next weeks you will see a series of incremental updates of MIDI Guitar 2, until we are 100% satisfied with it and move out of BETA status. The plugins and a few features are currently missing from the first BETA and most likely we will have to iron out some tracking issues and other bugs as well.

We also plan to release MIDI Bass and -Violin shortly after and we have prepared for a unified release cycle so that in the future all 3 products will get updates in parallel whenever a new feature is ready.

The near future looks very exciting form here and there is so much more to say about future products. Keep an eye on this site for teasers and please join us, give feedback and make requests for new features, etc.

All for now, stay tuned.

More info:

sábado, setembro 14, 2013

Jam Origin updated to MIDI Guitar v0.9.3-R2R

What is MIDI Guitar?

MIDI Guitar is a revolutionary piece of software that converts your guitars analog signal into MIDI, making it possible to use your standard guitar as a MIDI controller/ MIDI keyboard. Play your favorite software synthesizers/samplers with your guitar. MIDI Guitar is the worlds first low latency, polyphonic software solution, allowing you to play both chords and single notes with instant audio feedback.
Traditionally guitarists have had to seek out expensive custom hardware to be able to use a guitar as a MIDI controller, either hardware that needs that to be physically attached to the guitar or dedicated guitar synthesizer hardware. MIDI Guitar removes the need for any kind of specialized hardware beside a standard guitar interface to connect your guitar to your computer. Just connect your guitar and let MIDI Guitar do the rest.
MIDI Guitar comes in two variants, a standalone application that supports hosting of VST/Audio instruments and effects that be used without any additional software installed and a VST/AudioUnit variant that can be used in with your favorite Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software.
Join many guitarists around the world and try MIDI Guitar today. Download the free trial where you can try all the features included in the full version and use it unlimited with the built-in samplers and synthesizers. When using the trial version with MIDI output and VST/AudioUnit plugins the recognition will be interrupted occasionally, but it still fully functional. Upgrade to the full version to explore a new musical experience without interruptions.

terça-feira, maio 07, 2013


Agora podes ter uma guitarra Midi, apenas precisas de fazer o download deste software desenvolvido pela empresa jamorigin e a colaboração de David Wallimann. O que este software tem de tão original é que não precisas de nenhum hardware, apenas ligar a tua guitarra conectá-la a uma DAW (Reaper, FLStudio, Presonus Studio One, Cubase, Sonar, Pro Tools, Reason, etc) e usar este plugin e tocar o instrumento que bem entenderes na guitarra, quase sem nenhum atraso (depende um pouco do computador), mas mesmo assim a latência é quase zero. Ainda está na versão beta e pode-se descarregar uma demo para experimentar. Muito bom, vale a pena experimentar.  

Download da free demo em:

Samplitude Pro X & Jam Origin Midi Guitar VST Plug-in

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