terça-feira, maio 07, 2024

Airwindows Consolidated v2024-05-06 (All Plugins Bundle Suite) x64 x86 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]


All nearly-400 Airwindows plugins.

For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6, Channel7, Console8, Console9 and so on) and stuck on older formats like VST2, because for years I insisted that Steinberg might try to take away the legal right to put out VST2 plugins and I wasn’t going to risk that, being committed to supporting all possible machines.

Airwindows Consolidated fixes all those things, at a stroke. It’s just become the one true way for a lot of people to use the Airwindows plugin ecosystem, and it will be fully supported going forward as a format for all new plugins (at least, all new plugins that aren’t themselves a giant leap forward, more on that later). What do you get?

Airwindows Consolidated is CLAP native, and gives you all the things special to that format (as seen in the Manual, running as a CLAP plugin in Bitwig!) A lot of us feel this is the format of the future. Now it’s got all of Airwindows, native, and will continue to have the new plugins added.

Airwindows Consolidated is also VST3 native, so this is for the Cubase users and other folks who can’t get on with VST2 for whatever reason. It’s also for folks who can’t handle the ‘slider only’ minimalist look: there’s knobs! (the Rack version has knobs, jacks, and attentuators, because it’s a Rack module!). It’s also AU. It’s also LV2. Lots of native formats!

There’s also theming: it reads dark mode or light mode off your system setting, AND you can override that if you want. No more bright gray rectangles if you don’t like them. At a stroke, a lot of known issues are just gone. You can type in values in a text box (heck, I can’t even do that with my own VST2s in Reaper, only with the AUs).

Doesn’t stop there: Airwindows Consolidated has screen reader support. Why, I ask you, shouldn’t visually impaired musicians make AUDIO music? Airwindows Consolidated works with screen readers to properly read out all the text. So what’s this ‘all the text’, how hard could that be?

Airwindows Consolidated contains the entire Airwindopedia. Every plugin shows the entire Chris explanation given on release, in a sidebar. That’s close to a hundred and fifty thousand words, built in! And because you’re not going to read a hundred and fifty thousand words just to get started…

Airwindows Consolidated contains a whole menu system, which defaults to ‘Recommended’. That shows basically Airwindows’ Greatest Hits, the ones you’ll want to look at first. It’s a much smaller list, and isn’t always the most recent plugin in a series. For instance, Galactic2 is more specialized than the Recommended original Galactic. There’s also ‘Basic’, which is a set of plugins that are easily understood and used when you’re just getting started with mixing and music making, and ‘Recent’, which is just the newest stuff. And when you’re ready, there’s ‘All Plugins’, which opens up the menus to everything. (If you save a mix and then change the menus, it won’t take away your plugin just because the new menu setting isn’t listing it: you’re safe there)

This is all you need. It might be the only Airwindows plugin you ever download, because there’ll be a new build of it every week every time a new Airwindows plugin drops. Just re-download it and re-install. It has installers to make it easy for you to do that, and it’s an open source project so it’s hosted by Microsoft at their expense, not me and Paul. Downloading it costs us nothing, so go give it a try.

And who do you have to thank for this? Well, yes, it’s all nearly-400 Airwindows plugins. If those didn’t exist, neither would Airwindows Consolidated. But I wouldn’t have been able to do this on my own, even as an open source developer. So this is thanks to the inspired work of Baconpaul, of the Surge XT synthesizer project, who also made my VCV Rack module be a thing (and it is essentially the same as this: it should have all the same features and all the new plugins, each week). The whole Surge XT project deserves your attention and support, and there’s more than just Paul involved: for instance, EvilDragon has had lots of influence on the menu system, actively helped develop the categories, and at his request the entire Airwindows website now uses those same categories to help find stuff.

Airwindows Consolidated is out, and it’s gonna be at the top of my list of ways to download my plugins. This is a big deal. I hope you like how much easier this has made the whole world of Airwindows :)


Ambience: ClearCoat, TapeDelay2, Doublelay, PitchDelay, SampleDelay, BrightAmbience3, TripleSpread, Melt, MV2, MV, ADT, kChamberAR, StereoChorus, PurestEcho, TapeDelay, StarChild2, StarChild, Hombre, BrightAmbience2, BrightAmbience, StereoEnsemble, StereoDoubler, Chorus, ChorusEnsemble, Ensemble

Amp Sims: GrindAmp, FireAmp, LeadAmp, CrickBass, LilAmp, MidAmp, BigAmp, Cabs, BassDrive, BassAmp

Bass: OrbitKick, Hermepass, BassKit, DubCenter, DubSub, Floor, Infrasonic, FathomFive

Biquads: BiquadNonLin, BiquadPlus, Biquad, BiquadDouble, BiquadOneHalf, BiquadTriple, Biquad2

Brightness: Air3, PlatinumSlew, DeBess, GoldenSlew, Sinew, SlewSonic, Acceleration2, DeEss, Smooth, EverySlew, Slew3, Slew2, Slew, Air2, Air, PurestAir, Acceleration, DeHiss, Hypersonic, HypersonX, Ultrasonic, UltrasonicLite, UltrasonicMed, UltrasonX

Clipping: ClipOnly2, ADClip8, ClipSoftly, OneCornerClip, ADClip7, AQuickVoiceClip, ClipOnly, FinalClip

Consoles: ConsoleLABuss, ConsoleLAChannel, ConsoleMCBuss, ConsoleMCChannel, ConsoleMDBuss, ConsoleMDChannel, Console8LiteChannel, Console8LiteBuss, Console8BussHype, Console8BussIn, Console8BussOut, Console8ChannelHype, Console8ChannelIn, Console8ChannelOut, Console8SubHype, Console8SubIn, Console8SubOut, Console0Channel, Console0Buss, PurestConsole3Buss, PurestConsole3Channel, PurestConsole2Buss, PurestConsole2Channel, Console7Buss, Console7Channel, Console7Cascade, Console7Crunch, PurestConsoleBuss, PurestConsoleChannel,Console6Buss, Console6Channel, PDBuss, PDChannel, Console5Buss, Console5Channel, Console5DarkCh, C5RawBuss, C5RawChannel, AtmosphereBuss, AtmosphereChannel, Console4Buss, Console4Channel, EveryConsole

Distortion: Distortion, Edge, Dirt, Mackity, ZOutputStage, Density2, Density, Drive, Loud, Hard Vacuum, HighImpact, MultiBandDistortion

Dithers: Dark, PaulWide, PaulDither, TPDFWide, TPDFDither, NotJustAnotherDither, NotJustAnotherCD, Beam, TapeDither, SpatializeDither, VinylDither, DoublePaul, Ditherbox, BuildATPDF, NodeDither, StudioTan, DitherMeTimbers, DitherMeDiskers, RawTimbers, RawGlitters, NaturalizeDither, HighGlossDither, DitherFloat

Dynamics: Pop2, Pressure5, Dynamics, Pop, DigitalBlack, Logical4, VariMu, ButterComp2, curve, Overheads, Recurve, Pyewacket, BlockParty, SoftGate, Thunder, Compresaturator, DrumSlam, ButterComp, BrassRider, Point, Gatelope, PodcastDeluxe, Podcast, Swell, PurestSquish, Pressure4, Surge, SurgeTide

Effects: GalacticVibe, CloudCoat, Fracture2, Dubly, Pafnuty2, PitchNasty, Trianglizer, ShortBuss, GuitarConditioner, Aura, TremoSquare, Tremolo, GlitchShifter, Gringer, Exciter, Energy2, Energy, Facet, Fracture, PowerSag2, PowerSag, Preponderant, Nikola

Filter: Stonefire, Baxandall2, Pear2, Capacitor2, Pear, ResEQ2, SubTight, CStrip2, Weight, Isolator2, Kalman, Holt2, Holt, ToneSlant, AverMatrix, Average, MackEQ, Hull2, Baxandall, Hull, EQ, Capacitor, Isolator, TapeFat, ResEQ, Lowpass2, Highpass2, Distance2, Distance, Lowpass, Highpass

Lo-Fi: Pockey2, Flutter, CrunchyGrooveWear, GrooveWear, Pockey, DeRez2, BitGlitter, DeRez, ChromeOxide, Cojones, Vibrato, Bite, Deckwrecka, DustBunny

Noise: Noise, Texturize, TexturizeMS, VoiceOfTheStarship, DarkNoise, ElectroHat, Silhouette, TapeDust

Reverb: kCathedral2, kPlateD, kPlateB, kPlateA, kPlateC, Verbity2, Galactic, Galactic2, sVerbity, Chamber2, Chamber, Infinity2, NonlinearSpace, kCathedral, Infinity, MatrixVerb, PocketVerbs, Reverb

Saturation: Creature, Huge, NCSeventeen, Tube2, Tube, Spiral2, PurestDrive, Focus, Mojo, Dyno, Spiral, UnBox, Desk4, Righteous4

Stereo: Srsly, Srsly2, Wider, StereoFX, ToVinyl4, AutoPan, LRFlipTimer, MSFlipTimer, Sidepass, SideDull

Subtlety: Hype, Shape, Inflamer, Sweeten, PurestWarm2, PurestWarm, Coils2, Interstage, PhaseNudge, Remap, SingleEndedTriode, Coils, Desk, TransDesk, TubeDesk

Tape: ToTape6, FromTape, Tape, IronOxideClassic2, IronOxide5, ToTape5, IronOxideClassic

Tone Color: BussColors4, Channel9, Apicolypse, Neverland, Elation, Calibre, Cider, Crystal, Precious, Luxor, Channel8, Channel7, Channel6, Channel5, Channel4

Utility: Monitoring3, Monitoring2, Monitoring, BitShiftPan, BitShiftGain, PurestGain, PurestFade, EveryTrim, HermeTrim, SlewOnly, SubsOnly, PeaksOnly, Golem, DCVoltage, EdIsDim, MidSide, uLawEncode, uLawDecode, RightoMono, LeftoMono, Balanced, Flipity, MoNoam, VoiceTrick, ContentHideD

XYZ Filters: ZBandpass2, ZHighpass2, ZLowpass2, ZNotch2, ZRegion2, ZBandpass, ZHighpass, ZLowpass, ZNotch, ZRegion, YBandpass, YNotBandpass, YHighpass, YNotHighpass, YLowpass, YNotLowpass, YNotch, XBandpass. XHighpass, XLowpass, XNotch, XRegion

home page:


segunda-feira, maio 06, 2024

Vocal Limiter effect plugin by W.A. Production FREE for a limited time


Vocal Limiter effect plugin by W.A. Production FREE for a limited time

VST Alarm has launched a limited time promotion on W.A. Production’s audio plugin Vocal Limiter, an audio effect plugin designed to deliver simple vocal limiting.

For a vocal to really cut through the mix and ride other instruments, it’s usually a good idea to make sure it’s loud and proud. However, the dynamics of a vocalist’s performance can vary wildly, from softly sung verses to strident choruses. Despite a comprehensive vocal effects chain, with careful volume-riding and compression, you’ll often need a final limiter to clamp down on fluctuating dynamics or to smooth slower phrases.

We designed Vocal Limiter to be the last step in your vocal processing chain and as simple to use as possible. It’s specifically developed to target the frequencies of vocal performances so is less affected by overly high or low frequency content. With multiple speed modes and real-time VU meters, you can use your eyes and ears to find the perfect settings… or just flick through the included presets. With Vocal Limiter you can be sure that your vocals will sit comfortably in the mix and be heard loud and clear.

Vocal Limiter features:

  • 4 speed modes.
  • Input & Output gain sliders.
  • Real-time VU metering.
  • Pop & click free bypass.
  • Responsive & CPU friendly.
  • Factory presets.
  • Full PDF Manual & Tutorial video.

Regularly $19.90 USD, Vocal Limiter is available to download for free until May 17th, 2024. The plugin supports VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats for Windows and Mac.


sábado, maio 04, 2024

Mastrcode Music T-Force Zenith v1.0.1


A subtractive synthesizer with FM capabilities.

T-Force Zenith is the current flagship synthesizer by Mastrcode Music. Its oscillators are inspired by the original Roland JP-8000/8080 Supersaw oscillator. But with way more available oscillator waveforms than just a saw wave and some additional features.

It's a powerful synthesizer that suits all kinds of electronic music. It can produce smooth and soft sounds, but its strengths lie in the creation of emotional, powerful, epic and bright sounds and effects.




up to 32x polyphony


2 free running 7-voice oscillators, inspired by the original Roland Supersaw

over 200 oscillator waveforms (50 factory waveforms and over 150 additional single cycle wavetable based waveforms)

can load "user samples" in form of 16/24/32 bit mono wav files to use them as single cycle oscillator waveforms. Just place them inside the "User Samples" folder in Zenith's VST3 root folder.

audio editor to record, edit, and cut and save the user samples for the use as oscillator waveforms. You can directly record user samples from any sound source within your DAW. Just set the recording routings with your DAW's settings.

controls for semitones over 6 octaves (up to -36 and +36 semitones) and finetuning (cents)

"Oscillator Feedback" module for special oscillator manipulations that can produce interestung and crazy sound effects.

Detune control to detune each of the 7 single oscillator voices against each other to create that typical supersaw detuning.

Mix control to mix between 1 single oscillator voice and 7 detuned voices like in the original Roland supersaw oscillator

Stereo control for spreading the detuned voices in the stereo panorama

option to invert the oscillator phase

Phase offset and retrigger controls

Oscillator panning and volume controls

Noise generator with stereo and volume controls


15 different filter types

controls for Cutoff, Resonance, Filter envelope amount, Keytracking (key follow) and Velocity


1 ADSR amp envelope

1 ADSR filter envelope

2 ADSR modulation envelopes


3 LFOs with sine, saw, ramp, triangle and pulse waveforms

Tempo can be free (Hz) or synced to the VST host's bpm tempo

Phase offset option

mono/poly note Phase retrigger modes

polarity modes (unipolar/bipolar)

MIDI effects:

Glide mode (portamento) with auto glide option, glide amount control (time), note hold, retrigger or legato mode

up to 32x polyphony or mono voice mode

Chorder module to play whole chords of a pre-set scale by playing only one note (1-finger chords)

mighty Arpeggiator/Step sequencer with up to 8 sequencer patterns to create complex and powerful arpeggios, or even complete melodies and/or 303 style acid sequences.


Distortion effect with 3 different distortion models (clip/foldback/tanh)

Stereo Chorus effect

envelope controlled 32 step Trance Gate with filter envelope trigger mode

7 band parametric EQ

stereo Delay effect with ping pong mode, lowpass and high pass filters and a flanger effect to modulate the feedback loop for flanged echos or to create tape delay effects

Reverb with predelay, decay, damp, stereo spread and a 4-band EQ

Other Features:

Pitch Bend wheel, Modulation wheel

Mod Matrix for additional modulation routings

Output section with Bass,Treble and Main Volume contols

virtual MIDI keyboard

Pitch Bend Range settings

Main Transpose control with the option shift the transpose over 6 octaves (-3 to +3 octaves)

Please note: supports Windows 7 and higher only, because the plugin uses a new graphics API - all graphics now will be rendered with your graphic card's GPU instead of the CPU. Windows XP doesn't support the new graphics API.

home page:


Behringer Vintage (Retro Analog Synthesizer)


Master the Waves and Take Control - Feel the power of vintage synth wizardry.

Stand on the Shoulders of Giants - Get classic subtractive synthesis and retro sounding filters with the Behringer VINTAGE PLUGIN! Original virtual synthesizer with powerful oscillators, filters and lfos, modelled on the analog circuitry of vintage synthesizers. The VINTAGE is packed with all the features you need to effortlessly get those lush, classic synth tones that made the 70s and 80s roar or you can also create your own wild patches! And when we say “all the features” we mean it.

Master the Waves and Take Control - Feel the power of vintage synth wizardry.

Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

Get classic subtractive synthesis and retro sounding filters with the Behringer VINTAGE PLUGIN! Download this completely free plugin today (yes, you read that right) and help the Playing for Change Foundation who support music education.

Legendary Tone

The VINTAGE is packed with all the features you need to effortlessly get those lush, classic synth tones that made the 70s and 80s roar or you can also create your own wild patches! And when we say “all the features” we mean it.

Sine, square, saw, and noise waveforms

Lowpass, bandpass, highpass, and notch modes

Dual LFO with controls for rate, attack delay and retrig

Get in the Hall of Fame

Found your favorite tone? Save an unlimited number to VINTAGE’s extensive library or just play around with the 100 vintage-flavored presets plus a few modern ones, some of which you may have heard in your favorite records!


Original virtual synthesizer with powerful oscillators, filters and lfos, modelled on the analog circuitry of vintage synthesizers.

Synthesizer engine based on meticulous modelling of the analog circuitry of legendary vintage synthesizers

* Carefully crafted UI for intuitive sound sculpting and vast sonic possibilities

* Two high-quality oscillators with hard sync function and selectable waveform: sine, square, saw, noise and sub-oscillator

* Pulse width modulation of square wave oscillator

* Two versatile filters featuring 12/24 dB switchable lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and formant modes, plus selectable drive curves for lush harmonic saturation

* Filter ADSR controls are easily accessible on the main UI and a flexible routing scheme allows for serial or parallel filtering

* Noise generator with Color knob controlling low pass cut-off

* Following the filters two amplitude modules allows for panning and levelling with controllable ADSR envelope

* Powerful dual LFO to modulate Oscillator, Filters and Amplifiers. The two LFOs have separate controls for rate, attack, delay, retrig and waveform, which encompass triangle, sine, random and square wave with pulse width control


Windows 10+

MacOS 10.13+



You need to get free license on developer's site to use the plugin.

P.S. The site works now quite well 

home page:


domingo, abril 28, 2024

Rare DSP DrumСlone (Drum Re-synthesizer) v0.6.2 VST3 WiN MAC [FREE]

  Drumclone allows extracting and modifying high-quality single drum sounds from complex audio sources like songs, samples, or any recording...