domingo, março 29, 2020

temporary license for reaper

A companhia Cockos não pára de surpreender. Para tentar minimizar os efeitos da pandemia e recolher obrigatório, a marca oferece uma licença temporária para todos os amantes da DAW. No próprio site ou aqui estão as indicações para disfrutar.

Name: Temporary License

Email: takecare@everybody

Version: 5 (valid through 6.x)

Type: Commercial

Expires on: Wed Jul 1 10:23:22 2020










sexta-feira, março 06, 2020

Audio Animals releases Casio LK-210 free plugin synth

Audio Animals has released Casio LK-210, an identical VST emulation of a classic Casio keyboard.

Casio LK-210 is an identical VST emulation of a classic Casio keyboard. The original keyboard and VST instrument bank includes a total of 129 classic Casio sounds built into a highly versatile VST that is compatible with both Windows and Mac. Sounds include pianos, organs, ethnic, bass, guitar, brass, reed, synth and strings. The VST instrument sounds exactly the same as the keyboard with a few extra features such as a built in ADSR, reverb, tune, volume and pan.

Visit: casio-lk-210

Michael Willis releases Dragonfly Reverb v3.0.0 free effect plugin

Michael Willis has released Dragonfly Reverb v3.0.0, bundle of free audio effect plugins (LV2 and VST) for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

Version 3 introduces two new plugins: Dragonfly Plate and Dragonfly Early Reflections.

Dragonfly Hall and Dragonfly Room remain mostly the same, and are backward compatible with previous sessions that used them.

Vember Audio releases Surge v1.6.6 free plugin synth

Vember Audio's Surge has been updated to version 1.6.6. This fixes several bugs and adds a few key features.

Audio and Performance Changes:

- The "Absolute" unison mode was both sample rate dependant and mis-calibrated. Correct it so that, at all sample rates, a "16hz" absolute unison is a 16hz unison spread.

- Unison range can now be extended, giving unison spreads up to one octave (pitch) or 192Hz (absolute).

- The Window Oscillator now supports FM, and is calibrated to use the same FM Depth as FM2/3/Sin oscillators.

- We initialize modulators before the initial voice start, setting the first modulator value at voice initiation correctly and avoiding a 32-sample "sweep" across a modulator value at voice onset.

- Fix two bugs with the sustain pedal; first sustain on channels 3 and 4 didn't work, and second pressing a key multiple times while sustain was held would lead to an incorrect state.

- Fix a bug with the tuning engine where mappings with root keys far outside of scale ranges gave incorrect results.

- Make the Oscillator display constant even in extreme tuning changes.

LV2 Changes:

- The LV2 had incorrectly advertised the identity of its ports. Change to use unique symbols for each port. Unfortunately this fix will break prior Surge sessions, but those prior sessions inconsistently streamed the synth state in most LV2 hosts.

- The LV2 didn't advertise all parameter changes leading to a port being non-synchronized.

Smaller Changes:

- The VST3/Windows plugin properly formats the automation display of the CC parameters.

- The FX slots and automation parameters are named more consistently, as are several menus and labels.

- The value popup window popup on mouse-down not mouse-move on a slider.

- The patch and wavetable menus have refresh options on the popup menu, not just in menu/data and patches.

- Slider mouse behavior in medium and slow works more like classic when over-dragging.

- Added an init patch which assigns a distinct modulator envelope to each OSC.

- Add a regtest that parameter IDs are stable across versions.

- Modify the build pipeline so the Linux .deb file has correct ownership on shared assets.

- Stream the WaveTable name into the patch.

- Correct the "open tuning library" menu on Windows.

- Fix a bug with opening and closing the VST2 on Linux.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 20, 2020

Linda Audio releases Rock Amp free plugin effect

Linda Audio has released Rock Amp, free VST2/3 plugin effect guitar amp simulator.

Rock Amp

"My first attempt on VST guitar amp simulator. No specific hardware simulated, no advanced circuit emulation algorithms used - just tuned to sound good to my ears. It is useful for rock and for low to mid-gain sounds, but it is also capable of something close to high gain."

This is only Amp simulator, it does not feature Cabinet simulator. For cabinet simulation you can use some free Impulse response VST plugin like Ignite Amps NadIR.

Visit: rock-amp

Meldaproduction releases MCharmVerb free reverb effect plugin

Meldaproduction has announced availability of MCharmVerb, a free reverb audio plugin for Windows and Mac.

MCharmVerb is a great sounding lush algorithmic reverb based on the MTurboReverb engine. We decided to give it away for free as a thank you for your support all these years!

Available in VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats, the plugin is released as part of Meldaproduction’s version 14.04 update, which also brings several improvements, features and fixes to all of its audio effects, MSoundFactory, MPowerSynth and MDrummer.

One of the best packages of free plugins. For Musicando of coarse.

Visit: MCharmVerb

neurontube: debut - Quando a tecnologia encontra o timbre! VST from Brasil.

  about neurontube The more you play with neurontube: debut, the more passionate you will be about playing guitar. You get the whole package...