quinta-feira, janeiro 23, 2020

Dead Duck Software releases Dead Duck Deducktion v1.2.0 free plugin synth

Dead Duck Software has released Dead Duck Deducktion v1.2.0, free plugin subtractive synthesizer in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.

The latest release is now available and includes the following enhancements:

- A new 'Single-Page' view allowing the Main and LFO/Env pages to be combined into a single view for easier patch creation. Use the 'Use Single-Page View' option in the main settings menu to enable this.

- Oscillator detune spread and mix controls (see the Osc sub tab).

Breaking changes: the encoding of the oscillator random-phase and Sub Alt-mode parameters has changed so any patches that make use of these will probably have to be revisited.

Oscillator random phase is now selected by setting the phase parameter to it's maximum value. Sub Alt-mode is activated by setting the menu option to a waveform combination, set to 'Off' to restore default sub behaviour.

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