domingo, novembro 07, 2021

Initial Clipper


Initial Clipper is a soft clipper which prevents your audio signal from going above zero decibels.  

It does this by smoothing the peaks with soft clipping starting from the threshold. The faster and higher the peaks the more you need to bring down the threshold to get a pleasing sound.  Initial Clipper comes with a very handy (and cool looking) peak display. Any peaks that enter the threshold area will have soft clipping applied, hence smoothing them out and taming the loudness.

We also added extra saturation. Because who doesn’t want more saturation!? The positive and negative saturation parameters allow you to add extra harmonic and non-harmonic saturation to your audio signal, this will create that extra fatness and warmth to your sound. Be aware this saturation will decrease your mixes dynamic range as it applies to the whole signal and not just the peaks.

Using a soft clipper on the master channel is very common, therefore we have added an industry standard LUFS (Integrated) Meter so you immediately know how loud your mix is.



Dub-SPL4 is a simple 4 bands audio splitter, specially designed for live performances. Just put it on you master bus and start dubbing around !

It splits the incoming audio into 4 bands : Sub, Low, Medium & High frequencies. It also includes LP & HP filters with dedicated controls to adapt their resonance.

It is specially designed for Dub Music, but also for every genre you can perform live. Be it techno, Drum’n’Bass, HipHop, Electro… And don’t feel restricted to a live use ! Why not use it on a drum bus ? Or on a keyboard ? You can use it as a multi-band EQ, or only use its filters (they are awesome!).

Windows 64bits VST3 Format.

MacOS 64bits VST3 & AU Formats.

domingo, outubro 24, 2021

iZotope OZONE 9 ELEMENTS (Limited Time)

iZotope has teased the release of Ozone 9 and is making Ozone 8 elements free for a limited time. Polish your tracks with these expert mastering tools. Ozone Elements is a ‘lite’ version of the renowned Ozone mastering suite. It includes the Imager, Equalizer and Maximizer features.

4 Unique Pianos For Any Genre

Fun fact. There aren’t many useable, let alone good free piano libraries. I was putting together a list of the best free pianos for our blog and YouTube channel, and after trying out about 20 freebies, I was shocked at how bad most of them are. The ESW team sampled this piano about 6 months ago, and we decided to make a high quality, modern sounding free piano library.
Why Denver? It’s admittedly not the first city you think of when you picture a grand piano. But Denver is the city where Echo Sound Works started. Denver is where I went to college to study music. That’s why we jumped at the chance to sample a Piano from my old stomping grounds.

domingo, outubro 17, 2021

Try Splice Creator FREE for 3 months

Waves Audio is offering its customers the opportunity to try the Splice Creator plan for free for 3 months.
Get 200 monthly credits and select from millions of curated, high-quality samples from professional sound designers and some of your favorite artists. Stay sharp with hours of premium tutorials and dive into creative production tools & apps to unlock your best workflow.
To take advantage of this offer, create a free Splice account if you don’t have one yet, and click “Start your free trial” to begin the checkout. Select the Creator tier and use promo code WAVESCREATOR at the checkout to receive $19.99 USD (100%) off your first 3 payments.
The promotion is available through October 21st, 2021. Note that the promo code is only eligible for users who are not already on a Splice Sounds+, Creator, or Creator+ plan. When you download a Sounds asset or view a non-trial Skills video during your trial period, you will be converted into your first month of Creator.

More information: Splice

Transform and bend MIDI inputs with free MIDI-Transformer VST plugin

Austen Satterlee has released a free VST plugin for Windows that lets you transform and reroute incoming MIDI signals.
After placing MIDI-Transformer in your VST chain, the plugin will read incoming MIDI values from the selected input source during playback and transform those values using the specified transformation curve. It outputs the transformed values according to the selected output destination.
For example, if the input source was set to CC2 and the output source was set to CC3, the plugin would read all incoming CC2 values, transform them, and then output the transformed values as CC3 messages.
The plugin’s GUI will show a vertical line along the curve to indicate the last input value that was captured, and how it was transformed.

MIDI-Transformer is free to download as a VST3 plugin for Windows at KVR Audio.

Samsara Cycle Audio – G-AMP-R


I created this plugin to provide a simple and useful guitar amplifier for my own projects.

The controls are easily understood and it works exactly as I imagined when I started the design. This version of the plugin includes a reverb control.

Please enjoy and if you find this plugin useful

consider a donation to help in future projects


To install this VST plug-in, follow these steps:

  • Unzip and Click the setup.exe file and the VST will be automatically installed

  • Use the Readme file included for further details

terça-feira, outubro 12, 2021

Atmos 2 is a FREE Ambient Piano Plugin instrument for Windows & Mac

Atmos 2 is a FREE Ambient Piano Plugin instrument for Windows & Mac. The samples of Atmos 2 were recorded in November 2019, using a Yamaha C3 Grand Piano as a source, at a music school in Mallorca (Balearic Islands) To obtain the samples A Zoom H6 digital recorder was used.


  • 56 samples.
  • 2 Layers.
  • ADSR Controls.
  • LFO Modulation.
  • Filter HP/LP.
  • macOS Catalina Support.


  • WINDOWS: VST|VST3|AU 32 & 64-bit
  • MAC: VST|VST3|AU 32 & 64-bit

System Requirements on Windows:

  • Windows 8.1/10
  • 500 MB Disk Space
  • 500 MB Ram
  • VST or VST3 host (32 or 64-bit)

System Requirements on Mac OS X:

  • OS X 10.13.6 And Above
  • 500 MB Disk Space
  • 500 MB Ram
  • AU or VST host (32-bit or 64-bit)

Controle o tempo que passa na sua DAW. Control the time you spend in your DAW.

  Time Tracker helps you to measure time spend on a DAW project. Add it as a last effect on main bus track and forget till you need to check...